


Services Sunday at 6:30 PM
"Hear the Word the Whole Word and Nothing but the Word! * Plus hear a lot of good ol' time Gospel songs!"
Every 3rd Sunday Pot Luck & "Singspiration" at 6:30 PM!
"If you can bring a covered dish, if you can't don't matter there is always plenty of food to eat and people to fellowship with!"
Bring your Instrument, Sing'n Voice & Appetite & Praise God!
"Want to join in well bring your voice your instrument and sing out loud to the Lord...All is Welcome!!!"

Have a Testimony? Email Us and I will add it to our Testimony Page!
Click on Contact Us Below and send us your testimony!

*** Parson Tom's Gospel Music Available Now! ***
If ya like any of them download them for FREE!!!



New Testimonies Click on Image Above and Be Blessed!



Harvey Borthwick, Alias "Billy Bob Bob", Born January 27th, 1951
Went Home to his Heavenly Father March 24th, 2023




        Harvey Borthwick a very loved member of our Oatman Family here in Oatman, Arizona! An artist, sign painter, entertainer just a master of many talents. As an entertainer he took on the name and persona of "Billy Bob Bob" walking up and down the street playing his washboard to the tunes of good ol Irish songs. And as you can tell from the photos I chose to put up you never saw Harvey, Billy Bob Bob, without that infectious smile of his... and that is something we will miss hugely here in Oatman! Although Harvey's smile and spirit will always be with us and in that we can thank God we will always have Harvey close to our hearts and most certainly he will never be forgotten.

        Harvey had endured some serious medical issues in the past year or two of his life which ultimately he had to be placed in the Alta Carehome in Las Vegas, Nevada where he received excellent care. I cannot say enough good about the care that he received in this care home and the staff there made sure Harvey was absolutely comfortable.

        I have added a Memorial to Harvey, Billy Bob Bob, by adding a part of his website that he had that I had done for him years ago and I believe it will say many things about his life and who he was. You will see photos and you can watch a video of Harvey and hear his voice. I am very proud to have him have a place on our Church website. Harvey attended and was a member of our Congregation and a very big part of our lives... and yes Harvey is now with what he always referred to and actually many times said he longed for... to be Home with his Heavenly Father... GOD BLESS YA HARVEY A GREAT BIG OL BIG'N!




To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary...
To one without faith, no explanation is possible!

Quote by Thomas Aquinas


NET Luke 11:1 Now Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he stopped, one of his disciples said to him,
"Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever...


"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
Of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One Nation UNDER GOD, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all!"



NIV II Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

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    Step back in time with us at the Little White Church of Oatman to a time when going to Church was a place to Worship God and share that worship with the fellowship of family, friends and neighbors. Sing'n the good ol Gospel Songs of the past, loving God and loving each other.

    The Little White Church of Oatman, and Jesus Christ calls His Church "God's House of Prayer", will never be a Church that is nothing more than a financial burden but a place to come and feel the Holy Spirit and to give Glory to God and His Son Jesus Christ. So come and Worship with us in Fellowship, Song and Word.

    We invite you to come and  listen to the Word, the Whole Word, and nothing but the Word of God and experience the joy of being in the Family of God!

Parsons Tom & Linda Woodard





        In the Book of Matthew JESUS laid it out very simple for us HE said...

        "Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment!"

Then JESUS added a little bit more and said...

         "Love your neighbor as yourself!"

NIV John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.



Shot Gun Weddings, Formal Weddings and Private Weddings  officiated by Parson Tom, wife Linda and The Red Ridge Marauders Cowboys. pt_002.jpg

Our Shot Gun Weddings are performed on Historical Route 66 in Oatman, Arizona.  Groom dragged to the altar by shotgun and there is a little what we call the 'Bride Surprise' as well. We have skits that are ready but not written in stone we work with any ideas you may have it is your special day and we will make sure it is special for you!

Formal Weddings can be in our Little White Church of Oatman here in Oatman, Arizona or anywhere of your choice.

* Note: If you are wanting your wedding in Nevada please call or email for availability I am only allowed 3 weddings per fiscal year in Nevada.

Private Weddings have been officiated in our shop Making Memories Old Time Photos as well as in our Church on ranches and many various places the choice is yours it is your special day and we want to do everything possible to make it just that!



Parsons Tom & Linda Woodard
P.O. Box 926
Oatman, Arizona 86433
Phone: 928-234-0344
Email Us

The Word Bible Software Without a Price!

This is some pretty dern good Bible software EXTREMELY Handy and ya can't beat the price!


Overcome the language barrier and get in touch with the "ORIGINAL!"


You are Visitor Number  908827 Thanks for Stopping By!
† Updated March 20th, 2024 God's a Bless'n! †



Parsons Tom & Linda Woodard Pastors & Teachers of the Little White Church of Oatman Home Missions Church in Oatman, Arizona
Weddings of the Wild West ~ Shot Gun Weddings.